Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Youth Institute Pictures

Counselors lead an insightful art activity.

Volunteer Eva helps Junior Brita make a mask.

Campers get their Hippie on with yoga led by Volunteer Rachel.

Kitchen Connoisseurs Hector and Tess make lunch for the campers of Youth Institute.

Izzy the CIT takes a look at the wonderful art on display in the dinning hall.

Here are some of the "Burning Questions" we came up with during the writing activity.

Eating lunch with the tables in a new formation for YI.

Mariah, Kevin, Victoria, and Sabrina doing some creative writing.

Campers on construction working to build a produce stand.

The in-progress produce stand.

Counselor Margaret and Pinecone Hazel enjoying a late breakfast.

A view through the window into the Dish Room.

Hanging out on the side porch before dinner.

Emma, Austin (who we interviewed earlier), and Michael are acting silly in front of a disapproving Ziggy.

Two of the Circle Pines chickens.

Rachel, Kristin, and Mariah work diligently in the garden.

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